Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Lonely And Alone

While I going through photo research images the flood of memories washed over me. Pain that was remarkably vivid and clear struck me. I was six and in first grade. My mother had me do my writing assignment over and over. In the end, she tore up my work and said it wasn’t good enough and told me to go to school without the assignment. Fear, disappointment, embarrassment, shame, humiliation, and failure gripped me through the night. How could I face my teacher without the assignment I had worked on so hard but unable to hand to her?

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson


Character is developed, as we are not born with it. There are probably a hundred or more different Character qualities. There are positive and negative qualities, all of which come with our freedom to choose. All require intentional decisions to pursue them. Whether we like it or not these come with a price, consequences, and outcomes.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson


He has equipped us, He really has.

Often we think that we are not up to the task. It is far bigger than we can survive let alone accomplish. Let’s think about Peter; the fisherman, the apostle, the head of the first Jesus Centered organized church.

He was just a fisherman. He was lead to much more.

Peter’s faith wasn’t in his own abilities it was in Jesus.

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